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Family Enrichment Scholarships


The Montana Hands & Voices family enrichment scholarship provides funding for families or individuals to attend enrichment events that will help educate, support, and inspire Montana deaf and hard of hearing children and their families reach their highest potential.  Scholarships can also be used towards services, technology and subscriptions.  The recipients will share their experiences with our community and motivate other families.  



JOIN -Those applying must be members of Montana Hands & Voices.


APPLY - Complete application form.

SHARE - Upon returning from the event, families/individuals have up to 60 days to host/plan a social event where they will share what they learned from the event.  They will also be required to write about their experience and submit it to Montana Hands & Voices board.

CNI Cochlear Kids Camp 

The CARE Project Retreats

Mike Bush Fantasy Baseball Camp 

Courageous Kids Camps & Retreats

Deaf Teen Leadership

ASL Inclusion Crews

Techgirlz Camp

Camp Isola Bella

To apply for a Family Enrichment Scholarship please answer all the questions below.

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